4 Hidden Photoshop Tricks | Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Tricks

4 Hidden Photoshop Tricks

Photoshop hidden tricks, photography tricks

Photoshop Hidden Tricks: Today we are going to discover 4 hidden Photoshop tricks. Every probe must know by the way as we go through it and have a lot of fun let us talk about how many of these you already knew. So without any further do

 let's get started !

1. Layer locking in Photoshop

Back in the match world Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and lets say you were removing blemishes and in this lamb we just have the blemishes removed and we were using something like the remove to you can use whatever you want that is not the point. And we remove this blemish. Everything was going fine but then once zoomed in I accidentally pressed the controller command and move the whole thing. I didn't even realise it and I continued to remove blemishes here and there. And then when we zoomed out we noticed Oh my gosh I have moved everything. So sometimes it can happen while removing blemishes or while dodging and burning We can accidentally move the entire thing. So how do we prevent that? Have a look at the lock section right here. You can actually lock the movement. Click on this button to activate it. Now as you are removing clashes everything will be going fine. Now these were not to be removed. Just for an example, even if I hold the controller command and try to move it, it won't let me move it. Even if I select the move tool and try to move it, it won't let me move it unless we click on this to remove the lock.

2. Unlimited Colour Grading presets

 Now sometimes we are confused about where to take our calculating. Here's a have to give you unlimited options. Click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose gradient Map right here. Lets close it. For now you can choose whatever blend mode you want. You can choose Normal with less opacity. You can also choose Overlay, Soft light, whatever you wish. For this example we going to choose Soft Light. 

Now double click on the symbol of the adjustment layer to open up its properties. Single click right here and inside of the type choose Noise. Now this has way too many colours, so lets increase the smoothness. In other words decrease the roughness. So let's set it to about 8%. That is fine. And now click on Randomise. This gives you lots of options.

 You can also uncheck Restrict colours and experiment. Keep on clicking randomise and stop it what you like. For example I love this one and do not forget whatever you like. You can stop it that hit OK and decrease the opacity. Opacity is your best friend. For this example let's set it to about 50. I like it subtle and brilliant.

3. Fade Command 

 Speaking of opacity is your best friend. How do we control it for different tools? So lets say there is a lot of shine on the nose. I take the patch tool right here lets select that and we selected that area. No worries. And we moved it to this area. Now the sign has gone but it's absolutely gone. So how do we reduce the effect of the patch 2? You can always go to edit, fade patch selection. Its like undo on a slider. So now you can reduce the effect of it. Maybe I'm gonna keep it at about 36 hit. OK, that's a lot better. Control or command D Now the fate command also works with a bunch of other tools. Even if you choose the brush 2 and for example we make a stroke like this, you can go to edit

Fade brush tool now and then decrease the opacity. By the way, there is also a shortcut for it. Let's go back even if you choose the sharpen tool or the blur tool. Let's go with the sharp into and I sharpen this. I and I have sharpened this way too much. You can also press Control Shift F Command Shift F to open up the Fate command and Justice fade the effect of it or reduce the effect of it.  

4. Fit To Canvas 

 Whenever you drag and drop a lower resolution photo on to the canvas, it doesn't fit to the canvas.So how do we fit this image to the canvas with one click? There is no way to do it in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and fortunately so we wrote a code for it and included it in the free version of Pixel Perfect Compositing plugin.

 You can install it absolutely for free. I will have the installation instructions in the description. So only you have to do is to go to arrangement section. And this is a free feature. By the way click on this Adapt to selection. There you go. It fits to the canvas. And by the way it is made for fitting to any selection. So if I make a selection like this and click on Adapt to selection with that leads selected, it fits to that selection we created. If there is no active selection and you click on it, it will fit to the canvas perfectly. Have a look at it. If I press control or command TC it's fitting perfectly. new photo editing background and photo editing background hd

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