Incredible way to always get good skin tone in Photoshop.

Incredible way to always get good skin tone in Photoshop.

Hello editors! Wellcome to How are you doing? I hope you have a great day and making it an incredible one.
Today going to share with you an incredible way to always get good skin tone in Photoshop. Its actually a cheat code. No matter what shade of skin tone it is, it is going to work with everything. It's super easy to use. The design is very human. So without any further ado let's get started Fact in the magical world of Photoshop

So with the background less selected press control or command J to make a duplicate. And this is our first step. Let's name this layer averaging. This is where we figure out which areas of this center sample from and match. But what do we match it to? That's where references come into existence. The secret to creating a good skin tone is having a good reference. Now I always recommend that you create references of skin tones of your own. 

You can create samples of your own, and you can create it by looking at the works that you like, the artists that you follow, so on and so forth. But to get you started of created this sample of standard skin turns that you can use as well. By the way, this is the srgb version. If you are working on an srgb document, use this.

Let's keep it to the side just like it. So to look at the profile that you are working with, if you cannot already see it, click on the arrow right here and choose Document Profile. And right now I can tell that I am working with srgb. If it shows Adobe RGB right here, bring in the Adobe RGB one. If it shows Pro Photo RGB right here, bring in that 1I am not sure if I created that, you can create yours yourself. Now as we discussed, we need to figure out which areas of the skin to sample from for it. Lets get to the averaging lab. Which area do you think represents the mid tons of the skin properly? I think this area would be app. So lets select the lasso tool right here and make a selection possibly off that area. 

Now we need to find the average colour of that entire area for it. Lets go to filter player average. Thats all. Press control or command D Now our goal is to match this colour with one of these. How do we make that choice? We need to choose which one is the closest according to brightness levels. One easy way to do it is simply create a solid colour adjustment at the top and choose Gray, black, white, anything with zero saturation and change its blend mode to colour. 

This is by the way luminosity checklist. If you want to learn more about check layers you can watch this video later. Now you can select this layer and move it around. By the way im holding the control or command to temporarily get to the move to and see which one matches the most. I think this one matches the best so lets match it to these values. 

Let's keep it at the side so that we remember it. Hit enter a return. Now you can turn off the checklist and justice above averaging you cast it right, you're gonna create a curve adjustment. Left click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves. 

You want to make sure that the symbol of the adjustment layer selected so that sampling happens right? And with the help of the hand right here we need to plot the red, green and blue, or in other words the RGB values of this colour on the graph. How do we do that? Hold the shift key and the command key and simply click on it. Once you sample it, have a look at the Reds. See that one is plotted right here. Have a look at the green again. It is plotted properly and similarly with the Blues. Let's start with the Reds. 

Now we need to simply set this value to this value right here. This is simply the RGB value of this colour. Thats all. So then put as 177. Let's set it to 190 as its 190 right here. Similarly with the greens set the output 142 alright. Similarly with the Blues and sometimes accidentally you can click outside or click somewhere else and things can go bizarre and you might accidentally select something else and start typing right here what can look weird. 

So you need to make sure that this one is selected. If its unselected by mistake, select it again and now set the value to 119 right here and have a look at before and after. So here's the before ohh my gosh is the after. Look at all the greens right there colour cast of that has gone. Here's the before here is the after. Pretty Darned amazing but I don't like the shadows a lot. Or maybe we can work a little more in the highlights as well. By the way, if at this point it works for your image, stop right here, but only if you need to work on the highlights and shadows you can move forward. Most of the times we dont. 

So let's get back to averaging. And for the shadow areas, let's use this area. Let's go to filter, blur, average. And by the way, since average was the last filter we applied, you can also use the shortcut which is command control F it applies the last applied filter. And for the highlights. This area doesn't look right. So I'm going to sample that command, Control F, Controller, Command D to deselect. 

Now we can work with these 2 samples inside of the same curves. Let's get to curves with the help of the hand again. Hold shift and command and click on this one. It should be planted right? 

Let's get the Reds. Yes, it is plotted right now let's see which one it matches with the best. Let's turn on the colour check left and we gonna move it around and see which one works and matches the best. I think this one matches great. What about this one? This would be too bright. This one is OK

let's keep it at the sign. Hit enter or return. Let's turn this one off. Let's go back to the curves and let's go to the red channel. Let's select this and set the value to 218. Let's go to Greens and set the value to 171 right here. Alright let's go to Blues and set the value to 145.

Alright Ohh my gosh this looks amazing. Let's turn it off for a moment and have a look at the before and after. So here's the before and here after its crazy crazy good.

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